1 Did you know that Concord has three rivers that have been designated by Congress as Wild & Scenic Rivers? Rent a kayak from the South Bridge Boat House and enjoy the flora and fauna along the Concord, Sudbury, and Assabett Rivers. www.southbridgeboathouse.com
2 The 28th annual Concord Festival of Authors celebrates the written and spoken word live, online, October 16 – 31. Don’t miss the Concord Free Public Library’s Ruth Ratner Miller Award for Excellence in American History, presented to Jill Lepore - bestselling author, Harvard professor, The New Yorker staff writer, and author of These Truths and This America.-- Register for a wide range of fascinating programs. www.concordfestivalofauthors.org

3 Let the spirit of Halloween put a scare in you by visiting Concord’s famous cemeteries: Old Hill Burying Ground, South Burying Ground, and, of course Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Perhaps you would enjoy a quiet stroll at dusk on a crisp autumn evening. See page 14.

4 Surround yourself with art at Three Stones Gallery. September 4 – October 14, Archetypes Rising will feature Pamela Baldwin’s abstract paintings, Ray Ciemny’s metal sculpture, and Catherine Comstock’s hand-fashioned gourds and natural icons. October 16 – November 25, Our Numinous Places will present paintings and photography by Jonathan MacAdam and Jennifer M. Johnston. www.threestonesgallery.com

Jan Turnquist leads the way as Louisa for the (Virtual) Annual Benefit Walk/Run at the Louisa May Alcott Orchard House
| ©Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House5 Louisa May Alcott’s Orchard House is one of Concord’s most-visited sites. While the house may be closed due to the pandemic, you can still enjoy a “virtual visit” through their website. And don’t forget to get out and show your support through the 15th Annual Benefit Walk/Run. The event is virtual this year, so you can walk or run anywhere you like! Dates are September 10-20. Visit www.louisamayalcott.org/events for more information and to register.

6 Embrace your inner child and go apple picking, eat cider donuts, wander the pumpkin patch, or get lost in a corn maze. You can give back by picking your own pumpkins at Verrill Farm - proceeds benefit Emerson Hospital’s Pediatric Unit. Learn more at www.verrillfarm.com

Larry Spotted Crow Mann
| Courtesy of Concord Museum7 Explore new exhibits at the Concord Museum, including a newly redesigned gallery devoted to the events of April 19, 1775. The Museum has more than a dozen new programs and forums this fall on topics ranging from the muskets of the American Revolution, to artist demonstrations, and Abraham Lincoln. On October 12, Larry Spotted Crow Mann, a citizen of the Nipmuc Nation of Massachusetts, will share his music, culture, and the history of the Nipmuc people.

8 Fall is a magical time of year. The leaves reveal their true, vibrant colors and then obligingly drop to the ground so that we can rake them into piles and jump in them. To revel in all this fall color, try a walk around Walden Pond, Great Meadows Nature Preserve, or Minute Man National Historical Park.
9 The Umbrella Arts Center has a number of exciting events coming up this fall, including an ArtRamble outdoor exhibition in Hapgood Wright Town Forest, newly commissioned works for live digital presentation, and a black lives-themed multimedia exhibition including Justin Douglas’ “One Day I Will Walk Into The Umbrella.” Visit The Umbrella website for more information. www.theumbrellaarts.org
10 Grab the kids and head to the 6th Annual Trunk or Treat on October 25 from 4:30 – 5:30 in the Beede Center parking lot. Costumes and candy! www.concordrec.com/288/Trunk-or-Treat
11 Shop Concord’s wonderful shops, dine in our delightful restaurants – and win prizes! The ‘Fall in Love with Concord’ event, brought to you by Concord Together, is simple and fun. Download a “Fall passport” at www.ConcordTogether.com (or pick one up at the Visitor Center), shop or dine in 10 places around town and ask for a stamp, turn in your passport and be entered to win in weekly drawings through October 20th