1 Join The Trustees and TigerLion Arts for Nature: A Walking Play celebrating the dynamic connection between humanity and the natural world. This immersive and family-friendly telling of Emerson, Thoreau, and their mutual love of the natural world arrives at The Fruitlands August 27 – September 6. Visit thetrustees.org/program/nature-play for more information.

Nature: A Walking Play
| Courtesy of Winslow Townson2 Get in the Halloween spirit with a spooky walk through Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Wander around the cemetery alone (if you dare!) or join a guided tour through Concord Visitor Center, Concord Tour Company, or Concord Museum. visitconcord.org, concordtourcompany.com, concordmuseum.org
3 Celebrate Concord’s 386th birthday and the opening of Concord Museum’s new permanent galleries all week September 6 – 12. Admission is free to Concord residents on September 11 and 12. For a full program listing of gallery talks, walking tours, forums, panel discussions, encampments, family activities, and more visit concordmuseum.org.
4 Head over to the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden Street for Enchant the Night, a conversation with Gregory Maguire in celebration of his new book, The Brides of Maracoor. Concordian Gregory Maguire is best known, perhaps, for Wicked, his wildly successful retelling of The Wizard of Oz. October 13, 6-7. concordplayers.org
5 The 7th Annual Trunk or Treat will take place October 31, 2-3:30 in the Beede Center parking lot. Costumes and candy! concordrec.com/1364/trunk-or-treat
6 Mark your calendar for West Concord Porch Fest on September 25, 1-5. Stroll the streets of West Concord and treat the family to more than two dozen live music acts, all outdoors. For a list of acts, maps, and more go to montbach.com/west-concord-porchfest.
7 Grab some popcorn and head over to the basketball courts at 90 Stow Street for Outdoor Movie Night presenting Shrek. A free event for the whole family. September 24, 7:00. concordrec.com

Annawon Weedon of the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers
| Courtesy of Concord Museum8 Join the Concord Museum for Indigenous Peoples’ Day as the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers present a very special performance of Eastern social song and dance accompanied by a water drum and handcrafted rattles. October 11, 10-11. concordmuseum.org
9 The 29th Annual Concord Festival of Authors celebrates the written and spoken word on October 15 - 31! Overseen by the Friends of the Concord Free Public Library and co-created by a town-wide collaborative team, the CFA 2021 offers 30 online and in-person events. For more information visit concordfestivalofauthors.org.
10 Award-winning author Robert Gross will be in town this fall to discuss his newest book, The Transcendentalists and Their World, a fascinating exploration of Concord as a town and the philosophers and authors that created the transcendental movement. Join the event live at the Concord Museum or watch online. November 10, 7-8. concordmuseum.org
11 Join Minute Man National Historical Park for Preparing for Winter, Preparing for War. Autumn in colonial New England was a time of change and transition when many gathered to share the fruits of summer labor and prepare to survive the coming winter. In 1774 it was also a time of preparation for the coming conflict; colonial militia mustered to train their soldiers, British Regulars drilled on the Boston Common, and both sides scrambled to secure supplies. Living history volunteers will bring this tumultuous time to life. October 16–17. nps.gov/mima

12 Have you ever wished that you could play a musical instrument, but weren’t sure which was best for you? Concord Conservatory of Music can help at their Instrument Petting Zoo on September 11, 1-3. Whether you are four or 94, you can explore a variety of instruments in a hands-on way. CCM faculty will demonstrate how to hold, play, and experience these instruments. concordconservatory.org
13 Join Verrill Farm in celebrating Family Farm Day. There will be games to play, tractors to touch, delicious food, and so much more. September 18, 11-3. verrillfarm.com/events/calendar
14 Discover West Concord Day is here! Join in the fun with artists, musicians, free food, shopping discounts, kids’ events, and more at this popular event. Discover the amazing variety of shops, restaurants, and people that make West Concord so special. October 23, 10–2.

Veggie race at Ag Day 2018
| Courtesy of Concord Agricultural Committee15 Don’t miss the 16th Annual Concord Ag Day in downtown Concord on September 11, 10-2. This annual celebration of Concord’s farming community will feature stands from more than a dozen farmers and local organizations, great food, and even a veggie car race! So pop some wheels on that zucchini and come celebrate! concordagday.com