“One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in.”-Henry David Thoreau

Lady’s slipper orchids are some of spring’s loveliest flowers. A White Slant-line Moth visits this Lady’s Slipper.
| Dave Witherbee
This disheveled Wood Duck is getting ready to court a female. Wish him luck!
| Dave Witherbee
A Pileated Woodpecker bends its neck to gather insects—a much easier job in the spring than it was in the winter.
| Dave Witherbee
The Great Blue Heron in a morning spring glow.
| Dave Witherbee
The soft green colors of spring on the river.
| Dave Witherbee
The frogs are coming out from the mud.
| Dave Witherbee
The male Oriole dines while the female builds the hanging nest.
| Dave Witherbee